The weather was not kind to us today. It just rained and rained all day. Still, we were happy. The breed specialist judge Fran Fricker (UK) judged the results:
We are over the moon (as they say nowadays). We feel very lucky because Zaya will stay in our kennel forever! We are very grateful to his breeder Oktyabrina for entrusting him to us. Zaya is a wonderful dog and has settled into the family very quickly. Our happiness is limitless!!!
In Hungary, the Welsh Corgi Pembroke has two breed associations. As lovers of the breed, we are of course members and supporters of both clubs. The Hungaria Collie, Sheltie, Corgi Breeders' Association held the annual awards dinner last evening.
The time has come to summarize our results this year. We won't be going to any more dog shows this year, so we can summarize. I think we ended a very successful year. Our most successful dog was undoubtedly Myatka. This is how we start the list. She entered the adult age group this year.
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