Bailey- Great By Lucky Calm Before The Storm
(Crufts BOS Dragonjoy Star Trekker X Mistycor Friend You'Ve Never Had Before)
Today we have good news again. Our young dog went for screenings. He underwent a full orthopedic screening (DM, ED, OCD, LCV, CEC) . And all his results are perfect. All free!! In addition, a genetic test was...

After WDS, we received a new wonderful dog from Korea. The original plan changed and Sunny came to our Kennel. Her father is the world famous Newman. Her breeder is JongOh Kim We are happy that he came to us. Sunny fits perfectly into our breeding program.

WDS 2024


Our news from WDS Zagreb: We registered Nyna and Bailey.

Essence Litter


We are happy to announce our new litter. On February 13, 4 wonderful puppies were born. The grandfather of the puppies - Newman - is known and successful all over the world, and the father of the babies is also in great hands for a wonderful career! It was a very exciting journey leading up to the birth of the...

Super news in Moscow about Zaya's daughter:
Mistycor Esmeralda flower of Love *Charlotte"
(Mistycor Zodiac Winged Wind x Mistycor Bubbles in champagne) 2 x R. CAC
Congratulations Октябрина Рондик

We are pleased to present the Altajara Kennel litter, of which we are co-breeders. On February 4, 10 wonderful puppies were born. We are grateful because we can contribute to the birth of this wonderful litter. Thank you Fransisco for trusting us.

Puppies Born


And we had puppies. More information will be published soon

Last night we attended the AAPKK club dinner. It was an evening organized to a very high standard. Our dogs and our breeding work (which we are only at the beginning of) were also recognized at this event. Last year, the Club announced a new category called Pawscar. Pawscar, i.e. canine Oscar. They could only apply with outstanding results, and...

Lubin IDS


We got great news. At the weekend, the daughter of Flicker (Dragonjoy Sandokan): Chrupek von Platonogi visited the IDS show in Lubin. She became the junior winner in strong competition. Winning like this is always better and a greater pride than when the class is empty (almost all catalogs are available online). We heartily congratulate the breeder...

Yesterday was the HCSC Egyesülete Annual Club Dinner. We had a great time with our friends, a great group gathered at the table. We celebrated the successes of our dogs last year together. Congratulations again to everyone!! In our life last year, the dog show did not receive a lot of attention, we participated in fewer exhibitions than in...

The first issue of the magazine was published in January. This magazine contains relevant professional information and is very nicely illustrated. It includes ads from the most successful breeders. Our advertisement was also included. Available at the following link: HERE



In Hungary, there are two breed associations for corgis. Both clubs announce a points competition every year. In this case, we have to calculate which of our dogs achieved what results during the year at exhibitions. This is a great time to reminisce. Of course, exhibitions are not the only thing that comes to my mind now, many other...

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