We have news from Norway. Great By Lucky Newberry For Altajara (Realline Born Fire x Mistycor Chantilly Lace Twinkle) will now live at Milkcreek Kennel. In 2011, Milkcreek Kennel won the Norwegian Kennel Club's breeders' award and has many successes to their credit. The kennel was founded in 1989. The owner, Maija Heinilä, is an internationally...



We registered Nyna - Great By Lucky Ryujin (Mistycor Zodiac Winged Wind X Mistycor Chantilly Lace Twinkle) for the Platinum Winner Show and EDS. The results are:

Agárd IDS


This weekend went really well! On Saturday and Sunday, we registered Sunny at IDS Agárd.

We had a great weekend at Csempeszkopács NDS. Although it was terribly hot, we still had a good time, the company was great. We registered Sunny for the show.

Wow, what a day!! After a longer rest, today we visited Fekete Magda Special CAC. Organized by the HSCS club. We had a very successful day!! The results are:

We went to another great dog show. We registered our dogs for the second day of the Nyíregyháza NDS.

Herend NDS


We went to a dog show together again. Yesterday, the 2x NDS was held in Herend. The dogs were great!

Ónod NDS


Great news in Miskolc-Ónod NDS:Great By Lucky Miremel: (ICH Mistycor Zodiac Winged Wind X ICH Mistycor Chantilly Lace Twinkle)

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