In Hungary, there are two breed associations for corgis. Both clubs announce a points competition every year. In this case, we have to calculate which of our dogs achieved what results during the year at exhibitions. This is a great time to reminisce. Of course, exhibitions are not the only thing that comes to my mind now, many other things happened as well. Some of our plans were successful, while others were unsuccessful. This is true for exhibitions and litters as well. We experienced wonderful heights and terrifying depths. Unfortunately, tragedies did not escape our family either, but we have to stay strong.
Well, let's see the most important events:At the beginning of the year, we received a new dog, Zaya - Mistycor Zodiac Winged Wind. He is a wonderful dog, a great representative of the breed. Of course, as is usually the case, many attacked him. But we really liked him, and after a long plea, Oktyabrina allowed us to let him stay with us. We believe that we made the right decision. Our most successful bitch is Myatka-Mistycor Chantilly Lace Twinkle, and she gave birth to a litter this year. The sire of the litter was Zaya. Myatka presented us with 8 wonderful puppies. We kept a girl at home and named her Nyna. And Nyna fulfilled even our wildest dreams at the World Exhibition in August. Here she won World Hope Winner, Best Minor Puppy and Minor Puppy Best Of Day titles.
We wanted to visit the Europe exhibition as well, but Tiki (Mistycor Friend You'Ve Never Had Before) was in heat at that time. We traveled very far with her to a wonderful male. But unfortunately, this litter did not succeed. Well, it's okay, let's try again. Because of litters, we always have to take the risk.We did not participate in many exhibitions this year. There was something that we came home happy about. And there were some after which we were disappointed. But we learn from everything.
We must also mention the results of our young male. Although he did not start the year well, his later successes were unstoppable. Great By Lucky Calm Before The Storm- Bailey fulfilled the conditions for the Junior Interchampion title this year. In addition, he won the third junior CACIB in Geneva at the International show organized within the framework of the World Dog show. In the fall, Bailey had another wonderful result at the Epeireos Cup Szenc. Here he won Junior BEST IN SHOW.
Some of our dogs also completed the Interchampion title:
Mistycor Zodiac Winged Wind
Mistycor Chantilly Lace Twinkle
Mistycor Freind You've Never Had Before
Next year we want to go to many more exhibitions and we are also planning the birth of litters. At the end of the year, we wanted to help to someone. We would have transported her dogs to the Eurocorgi Dog Show. But unfortunately, COVID intervened at the last minute. So we couldn't be drivers. What we regretted the most was not being able to meet our friends from Germany and Poland. Well, we will make up for this in 2024 in Zagreb.
We have many other secret plans, but I cannot describe them. As they say: don't drink in advance on the bear's skin.And I can't close the post without mentioning Октябрина Рондик. Thank you for your friendship and for helping in everything!!! Thank you to everyone who was with us in 2023. And for those who don't. Happy New Year to all our friends