2022 Summary


The time has come to summarize our results this year. We won't be going to any more dog shows this year, so we can summarize. I think we ended a very successful year. Our most successful dog was undoubtedly Myatka. This is how we start the list. She entered the adult age group this year.

 Mistycor Chantilly Lace Twinkle (Otreks Footprints In The Snow X Mistycor Cinnamon Challenge With a Twist) 

Her results: 22 x CAC, 7 x CACIB, which she obtained from 4 countries, so the results of the Inter Champion title are there, we only have to wait one year and one day. 5 x Res.CACIB, 6 x BOB, 4 x BOS 2x Crufts Qualifications. She also won the AAPKK (English and Australian Shepherd Dog Club) show in the spring. She was only one and a half years old then. Out of about 50 dogs, she became BOB, Club winner. An English breed specialist judge criticized the breed. This year she became Serbian and Croatian Champion. 

Mistycor Friend You've Never Had Before (Alenclaud Felipe X Mistycor Whisper Of The White Night) 

Tiki gave birth to puppies this year. So she could only appear at the beginning of the year. But it was very successful.She won the Hungarian and Serbian Junior Champion titles. 3 x HPJ, JCAC and Junior BEST IN SHOW 3rd place. She won 2x BOB, 3x BOS, 5x CAC, 4x CACIB titles. She will feature a lot more next year. 

Mistycor Luna Che Mi Guardi (Mistycor Dancing Wind Of Change x Mistycor Follow Your Dream) 

 She came to us as a puppy in the spring. She won the titles of Hungaria Minor Puppy Grand Winner, Hungária Puppy Grand Winner, and Hungária Junior Champion. 3 x Very Promising 1, Best Minor Puppy in Minor Puppy class and reserve BEST IN SHOW.9x Very Promising 1 in Puppy class, 2 x Puppy BEST IN SHOW 23 x HPJ, 2 x JCAC, 2 x JBOS. And at the last big show of the year, she won the BOS title at the AAPKK special CAC. 

Daenerys King Of Darkness (Andvol Korsar X Born To Be Your Donna Karan) 

 Deni also raised puppies this year. But before that she also obtained a CAC and a CACIB and with these results she became Hungarian Champion and Hungarian Show Champion.

Dragonjoy Sandokan (Alenclaud Francesco X Dragonjoy Lady Diana)

We became the sole owners of Flicker at the end of the year. He no longer has a co-owner. This year he won 8 CACs, 1 x Res. CACIB and 1x BOS titles.

Thank you very much Krisztina Bagi for your great work. And thank you to everyone who contributed to our success in one way or another I thank the breeders for giving me such wonderful dogs Октябрина Рондик, Chiara Ceredi, Andrea Valki 

 We registered Tiki's daughter and son (co-owner Wortmann Évi) for the year-end show. They just entered the baby class. They were very good under the circumstances. Next year they will definitely be in the ring a lot. Now is the period of rest and preparation, but we can't wait for the next season. We are looking forward to the club dinners, which will be organized at the beginning of next year. Maybe all our dogs can get some recognition. We have a lot of plans and visions for the coming year.

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